Seed Accelerator

NSI is eagerly observing the trends and happenings in the market. We are highly obsessed to sort out opportunities to invest with startup projects. We are interested in firms from an early stage in the company life cycle to highly innovative yet simple projects and companies where technology has largely been de-risked or risk-reduced.

We are available to every industry who requires a professional pull in terms of business network, finances, investors and solid market place. When the large scale transactions of the firms which possess high potential for international operations. Our financial analysts usually prefer projects that requires larger rounds of financial assistance and the team is fully dedicated to scale up commercial operations of various firms, who has the potential to invade world market.

NSI realize this either by setting-up strategic manufacturing plants overseas, overseas commercial operations, distribution platforms, or franchises. With our overseas expansion support, we have nurtured various companies that was established locally and, now transformed as a global market competitor.

Our team is eagerly observing and learning on every bud of opportunities where we can accomplish huge returns. We thrive to explore any type of business investment at any of the prominent industry is always running at full pace. NSI is looking forward to explore any new challenging business models, an asset to be leveraged, an arbitrage opportunity, a highly creative and innovative business plan or a proven technology etc. to make them involved and to establish them as the champions in the industry.

To apply for the next round of seed accelerator…