Co Invest

Along with several direct investment opportunities, NSI is highly adaptive to co investment in industries that possess spectacular and magnificent growth. Our team is ready to hit the market by leading investment themes and structuring transactions that will directly invest in and also offer to selected co-investors or other subsidiaries or divisions of the NSI Group.

The Fund Platform is particularly well suited for sophisticated and high net worth investors seeking the flexibility to select their own optimal exposure to each individual investment. Asset management team of NSI is proud to extend dedicated and careful co-investment analysis to explore the feasibility in suggested market. NSI mutually proceed ahead with co investors with quality full end performance that ensures a full alignment of interests of parties involved in.

NSI always possess keen interest to seek various opportunities followed by the below characteristics. We have enough support from professional and financial strength

  • Minimum ticket size of USD 10 million and preference for control or significant minority
  • Operations or investment strategy in the jurisdictions in which we are focused
  • Potential for IPO or other liquidity or exit event clearly identified
  • Clear source of sustainable competitive advantage and leadership position within its industry or market sector
  • Potential benefits from recently realized or expected structural changes within industry
  • Joint investment from financial or ‘JV’ partner preferable